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Exhibitions online

Sails of the World

The Museum of the World Ocean invites you to watch the World Ocean from the barque Sedov via its new virtual project “Sails of the World 2020”.

Twenty photographs unfold a beautiful and fascinating story about the greatest circumnavigation of tall ships in the modern history.

The tall ship has already passed Spain, Uruguay, RSA and Mauritius, so now we can see the most striking moments of its expedition.

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“The Discovery of Antarctica” The Exhibition of the Russian Geographical Society

On 16 (28) January 1820, 200 years ago, two outstanding captains of the sloops Vostok and Mirny F. Bellingshausen and M. Lazarev discovered the planet’s most mysterious continent – Antarctica. The main task of the expedition was to cross all the meridians in the south circumpolar zone at the maximum high latitudes and find out whether there are lands as well as opportunity to approach the South Pole. During the long expedition its participants collected extensive data on geography, ethnography, botany, etc. But although extensive research was made, its results were published only 10 years later after the voyage. The paper “Repeated Research in the Antarctic Ocean and the Voyage Round the World on the Sloops Vostok and Mirniy in 1819-1820” was a considerable and detailed report on preparation, course and results of the expedition. And so-called “Atlas” with its charts, drawings and short notes was published as an extra appendix. Its materials became a basis for the exhibition “The Discovery of Antarctica”. The charts and maps were made by Bellingshausen himself and sketches of aborigines, flora and fauna were created Pavel Mikhailov, artist and member of the expedition.

The exhibition is provided by the Russian Geographical Society.

The Discovery of Antarctica



Considered lost, part of J. Fritsch’s collection of amber inclusions displayed at the Museum of the World Ocean

The most part of J. Fritsch’s paleontological collection of amber inclusions is considered to be lost, however, the Museum of the World Ocean managed to purchase 823 pieces in 1993 and later – some more artifacts of this collection. The German naturalist collected stones with biological inclusions. A significant part of them is reference-class taxones, or so-called holotype (ticks) inhabited the planet in the remote past. Curious visitors can watch the ancient arthropods in detail.  

Considered lost, part of J. Fritsch’s collection of amber inclusions displayed at the Museum of the World Ocean



Vityaz’s Autograph on the World Ocean Map

The Museum of the World Ocean invites you to follow the routes of the legendary Vityaz and travel into the world of its amazing discoveries.

Take a look at the World Ocean map and learn what seamounts and animals were named after the legendary vessel.

avtograf vitjazja na karte



«Паруса мира на карте»

Музей Мирового океана предлагает отправиться в кругосветное путешествие и повторить маршрут шлюпов «Восток» и «Мирный». 200 лет назад их экипажи под командованием М.П. Лазарева и Ф.Ф. Беллинсгаузена достигли Антарктиды. Впервые за долгое время на карте мира появился новый материк.

Новая выставка позволит проследить за движением барков «Седов», «Крузенштерн» и фрегата «Паллада» на протяжении всего маршрута их следования. Несмотря на то, что парусники вышли из своих портов в разное время, все они встретятся в районе острова Южная Георгия.

Ежедневно на выставочной карте будет изменятся место парусников соответствующее их реальному положению на данный момент. Если по какой-либо причине Вы не сможете посетить музей, то проследить за судами можно на официальном сайте экспедиции «Паруса мира» http://russiansails2020.ru/

Выставка размещена во входной зоне Главного корпуса музея и является абсолютно бесплатной.

Открытие выставки состоится
Во входной зоне Главного корпуса Музея Мирового океана: 20 декабря 2019 г. в 16.00

"The Arctic. Franz Josef Land" in Vienna


The Arctic. Franz Josef Land
The exhibition in Vienna, Austria
December 5, 2018 – January 18, 2019

DSC 0541On Christmas Eve, the Museum of the World Ocean makes a gift to the citizens of Vienna: on December 5, the exhibition The Arctic. Franz Josef Land is opening at the Russian Centre for Science and Culture in Vienna, Austria.

The cultural and natural heritage of the Arctic is so exceptional that “…goes beyond national borders and it is valuable to the present and future generations of humankind”.* This unique land on the planet is severe, enigmatic and amazingly beautiful. The exhibition created by the museum is devoted to the Arctic exploration and, in particular, to one of the very north Russia’s territories – Franz Josef Land. Such a topic has been chosen for a reason: it was the Austro-Hungarian North Pole expedition on the ship Tegetthoff commanded by Julius von Payer and Karl Weyprecht that discovered the archipelago in 1873 which was named after Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph I.

In the 19 th – early 20 th century, over 150 search and commercial expeditions visited this land, including Dutch, Scotch, English, Norwegian, American, Italian, German and Russian participants. At present, Franz Josef Land and its adjacent waters belong to Russia and form a part of The Russian Arctic National Park.

The Arctic is one of the last corners on Earth where pristine nature with the richest biodiversity is still present. Visitors of the RCSC can learn more about the history of discovery and exploration of the wonderful archipelago and the expeditions as well as enjoy watching incredibly beautiful and breathtaking Franz Josef Land views. The exhibition features the photographs made by polar researcher Maria Gavrilo, participant of the Arctic expeditions and employee of the Timiryazev State Museum of Biology Michael Ivanov and helicopter squadron commander Sergey Kiryushkin in 2005-2012.

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Sei mit gegr??t, Du ewiges Meer!


Kunst und Kultur verbinden die Menschen ?ber alle Grenzen hinweg. Kultur hat nie Grenzen gekannt; sie war immer ein gemeinsames Gut und hat die V?lker verbunden!

Karl Welbers – Vorsitzender der F?rdergemeinschaft Poppe-Folkerts-Museum Norderney e.V. – hat in einer Pressemitteilung festgestellt, dass die Nordseeinsel Norderney sich auf die Poppe-Folkerts-Ausstellung „Sei mit gegr??t, Du ewiges Meer!“ im Museum of the World Ocean in Kaliningrad / Russland freut. Der B?rgermeister der Stadt Norderney Frank Ulrichs schreibt hierzu in seinem Gru?wort: Eine gro?e Ehre f?r den Seemaler Poppe Folkerts und f?r die Insel Norderney. Denn Poppe Folkerts und Norderney geh?ren zusammen. Wer von Folkerts spricht, denkt an Norderney, und wer an Norderney denkt, f?r den verbinden sich im Bereich der darstellenden Kunst wie selbstverst?ndlich Name und Werk des K?nstlers.

Die Ausstellung wird er?ffnet am Montag, dem 03. September 2018 – 16:00 Uhr im Ausstellungszentrum Svetlogorsk des Museums der Weltmeere und dort bis zum 03. Dezember 2018 gezeigt.

Der Generalkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Kaliningrad, Dr. Michael Banzhaf, hat die Schirmherrschaft ?bernommen und wird bei der Er?ffnung ein Gru?wort sprechen und dabei die Bedeutung des K?nstlers hervorheben. Die Generaldirektorin des Museums der Weltmeere, Svetlana Sivkova, wird die G?ste begr??en und verweist darauf, dass dieser K?nstler erstmals in Russland gezeigt wird. Der Projektleiter f?r maritime Kunst am Museum und Kurator der Ausstellung, Pawel Matviets, und Karl Welbers werden im Dialog ?ber das Zustandekommen der Ausstellung berichten; der Vorstand der Poppe-Folkerts-Stiftung, Hayo F. Moroni, wird als Enkel des K?nstlers ?ber seinen Gro?vater und seine Kunst sprechen.

Der Norderneyer Seemaler Poppe Folkerts – 1875 – 1949 – , der von 1903 – 1905 bei Professor Ludwig Dettmann an der Kunstakademie in K?nigsberg als Meistersch?ler studierte, sagte beim Abschied 1905: In K?nigsberg waren es die sch?nsten Jahre!“ Nun kommt er mit 46 seiner Werke als anerkannter deutscher Impressionist, der in einer Reihe mit Max Liebermann, Lovis Corinth und Max Slevogt steht, zur?ck. Die Ausstellung zeigt eine Auswahl seiner Werke und gibt einen guten ?berblick ?ber Breite seines Schaffens, von der „Letzten Zuflucht“ in der Seenotrettung, ?ber Landschaftsmotive, Portr?tbilder der Familie bis zu monumentalen oder spektakul?ren Schiffsmotiven auf hoher See.

The Aral and the Ustyurt Plateau: Terra Incognita

In the Year of Ecology, the Museum of the World Ocean and the Association of Peredvizhniki Art Photographers invite you to the project "The Aral and the Ustyurt Plateau: Terra Incognita" devoted to the tragedy of the Aral Sea. 
From November 1, the exposition Depth will turn into a unique area of Central Asia – the desolate Ustyurt Plateau which used to be a seabed of the Tethys Ocean 20 million years ago and the Aral Sea-Lake, one of the largest lakes on the Earth, which is disappearing rapidly in full view of the present generations. Michael Flint’s and Vladimir Onopko’s photographs will show the desert of Ustyurt in spring when accumulated during winter, scant moisture gives short life to plants; how delicate flowers “flutter out” of barren soil and on bushes like butterflies; how the Aral Sea appears blinding blue under the Central Asian sun; how lifeless are its shores and surface that used to be an oasis beyond imagination. 
The world’s attention to the Aral Sea, its environment and nature of Central Asia was provoked by the environmental disaster that has changed this land beyond recognition. As far back as 40 years ago, the sea area reached 70 thousand km? and was nicknamed “fish barrel”. It was a source of life for hundreds of thousands of people and home for the enormous bird kingdom. By the present moment, the Aral has shriveled, its area has tenfold reduced in comparison with 1960, the south shore has moved 100 km northwards, the seafloor has turned into a salted desert with the city of Mo‘ynoq, a former fish capital of Karakalpakstan, in the centre. Sandstorms scatter the Aral salt over hundreds of kilometers and so depriving soil of fertility. The rich Aral ecosystem died – there is no fish in the water anymore and birds left this former land of plenty.
Located to the west of the Aral, the Ustyurt Plateau, almost lifeless rocky desert, extends for hundreds of kilometers right up to the Caspian Sea. It is an unknown world – the world of aloof beauty and inaccessible desert. 200-meter steeps and slopes keep the memory about the ancient ocean Tethys and reveal the geological history of the plateau: limestone, sandstone, dolomite, gypsum and shell rock of diverse colours — from dazzling white, coffee-coloured and pale pink to green, blue and brown-red. It is striking and unexpected combination of colours in the desert. 
The history of civilization in this land is also amazing. Covered with 20-meter layer of water not so long ago, the Aral seabed hides settlements and mausoleums of the 11th-15th century. And the Silk Road ran across the Ustyurt Plateau.
Sixty photographs of the exhibition The Aral and the Ustyurt Plateau: Terra Incognita at the Museum of the World Ocean will portray beauty, diversity, uniqueness and variability of the wonderful world of nature.
The exhibition will last from November 1 to December 10.
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