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My Odyssey

Opened at the art gallery of the Maritime Exhibition Centre in Svetlogorsk, the graphics and art exhibition My Odyssey by E. Datsko, Honoured Artist of the RF,  comprises over 50 works, created in his art expeditions in 1970—2015. One of his most epochal activities of this period was his expedition to the USA from Vladivostok onboard three packet boats in 1991-1994. His interest in “Russian America” became the dominating art idea. Datsko visited all the major Russian Orthodox churches in the USA as well as the settlements of Russian Old Believers in Alaska. He came to know their everyday life and culture with sincere interest, and a lot of the things he had seen became a part of his works. Another important topic – Russian immigration to the USA after 1917. 

Under the Russian Reign

The Grand Embassy Historical and Cultural Centre at the Koenig Gate is step by step changing its exhibitions.Late last year, The Apotheke of the Three Kings was opened in the third hall. Visitors can have a fascinating tour around the pharmacies of Koenigsberg as well as move to three different epochs: the State of the Teutonic Order, the Duchy, and the Kingdom.

And the central hall has been already transformed, too - the exposition Under the Russian Reign has opened here. It is devoted to the historic period when East Prussia was a part of the Russian Empire. Here visitors can see copies of the documents, plans, maps, engravings, etc., which narrate the story about the old time, interesting people and their life.

The key artifacts – works by Ludmila Bogatova, Honoured Artist of RussiaSculptures of Russian governors in East Prussia are made in the tradition of grand portrait, this will certainly create the atmosphere of greatness and solemnity.

 The Museum of the World Ocean expresses its gratitude to the Russian MFA Representation in Kaliningrad for the copies of materials from the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire and a consultant Yuri Kostyashov, Doctor of History, Professor at the Institute of the Humanities (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University)

Baltic motives that bend

A new exhibition called Baltic motives opened in Maritime exhibition center of  Museum of the World Ocean in Svetlogorsk city (Kaliningrad region).

The exhibition shows private collection of paintings by Lithuanian artist Arvydas Ka?auskas. This is the only opportunity to have a look at the amazing canvas showing native landscapes precious to any Baltic state dweller. Landscapes that were magically transformed by the author’s talent and skills. Counsil General of the Republic of Lithuania, Mr. Olegas Skinderskis, visited the opening ceremony along with the other special guests. He emphasized high importance of this exhibition and other events of the type for good neighborly relationship between our countries. The owner of the collection, Igor Kirikov, shared his story on how he started collecting pieces of art. According to him, there is some symbolism in the fact that it was a painting of the other Lithuanian artist that set things in motion. The case that encouraged Mr. Kirikov to collect pieces of art happened during the visit to Counsil General of the Republic of Lithuania. There was an event devoted to 10th anniversary of architect Liudvikas Kubilius work in Kaliningrad region. In the Counsil’s office Mr.Kirikov got a sight of some works by Henrika Bartkut?. He decided to find the artist to get a copy of the painting he loved the most. But what he received was an original work made specially for him (by the way, one can see some works by Henrika Bartkut? in Museum of the World Ocean conference-hall.

Magnificent 3-meter panel picture decorates the stage of the hall). Since that time he started to join in paintings, travel to Lithuania, visit plein-air events. In 2013 Igor met Arvydas Ka?auskas. After that he visited the painter’s studio many times. “His works are very positive, they energize you. It rarely occurs in our daily routine. Moreover, one can hardly find an artist that loves his motherland so much”.

Museum scientific worker and art expert Pavel Matviets noted that Ka?auskas’s paintings are full of poetry. On the one hand, his works are very moderate; on the other hand, they are very emotional inside. History of the whole Lithuanian art itself is reflected in his paintings. They vividly show both diversity of nature and character of the Lithuanians.

The River of Time

bojkoA new decorative and applied art display at the Museum of the World Ocean by Vladimir Boyko (carver from Ussuri krai) is devoted to the indigenous people in Priamurye – hunters, fishers, children, senior residents and shamans. The main topic of the exhibition is the native people’s harmony with nature.

Vladimir Boyko is a unique person. He taught himself carving and with no professional education Boyko is a recognized craftsman, well-known both in Russia and worldwide. His exhibitions were held in Moscow, Vladivostok, Ussurijsk, Japan and Korea.

He has created the collection for over 20 years. Boyko works directly with wood (linden is his favourite material) – with no sketches or rough drawings – he feels it and sees a new character inside a workpiece.

In his works the author reveals the beauty and spirituality of the native smaller peoples of Priamurye — Nanai, Manchu, Ulch, Negidals, Nivkhs, Evenks, Orochs and Udege, mainly inhabiting Amur Oblast, Khabarovsk Krai, Primorye and the Strait of Tartary coastline.

The modern art of people in Priamurye is a wonderful combination of traditions and novations, mythic characters of the past and the present days.

Inspired by the Sea

shtukkenbergThe River of TiThe Museum of the World Ocean and the Primorye State Art Gallery (Vladivostok) present the works by the first Russian Far East seascape artist, captain Nikolay Stuckenberg (1880–1937). The exhibition titled Inspired by the Sea is located at the Packgaus exhibition hall and consists of 19 paintings. The exhibition is timed to the 135 th artist’s anniversary. Moreover, it is held in the year of the 50 th anniversary of the Primorye State Art Gallery to pay respect to the first Vladivostok collectors – the Brynner family whose private collection became a basis for N. Stuckenberg art display at the Primorye State Art Gallery.

The exhibition had been first presented onboard the museum icebreaker Krasin, the Branch of the Museum of the World Ocean in Saint Petersburg, before it came to Kaliningrad. Nikolay Stuckenberg was a captain of the famous icebreaker in 1934—1936. As a rule, the author did not put dates on his works, but they are supposed to be created in the Russian Far East in 1910—1930. The artist depicted not only seascapes but the rich nature of those places: woods, lagoons and flowers.

The first display of Stuckenberg art, comprising 100 pieces, was held at the International Club of Vladivostok in 1923.

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