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The Danube Delta


PelecanusThe Museum of the World Ocean continues joint cooperation with the Natural Sciences Museum Complex in Constanta (Romania) and invites you to their new exhibition project "The Danube Delta".

The opening takes place on October 27 at the congress hall in the main museum building. The new exhibition will move its guests to one of the most beautiful corners of Romania – the Danube Delta. 
Large photographs will try to portray exceptional attractiveness of the unique nature that is in the list of UNESCO World Heritage. Every image is a wonderful opportunity to become a guest of Romania and learn its history and nature. We hope that the exhibition project will reveal magnificent world of Count Dracula’s motherland.
Cooperation between the Museum of the World Ocean and the Natural Sciences Museum Complex in Constanta began in 2014. Many projects have been implemented since that time, including People and Whales: Heroism and Tragedy exhibition which was a success in Constanta in summer 2016. And now our Romanian colleagues are going to pay us a return visit. 
We would like to think the exhibition will be a starting point of an amazing journey. Probably, it is the Danube Delta that will leave that very impression which may make you to take a fresh look at Romania and start packing. 

The exhibition will last from October 28 to December 5.


Patrons of Seafarers, Heavenly and Earthly


The Museum of the World Ocean in cooperation with the Moscow Kremlin Museums and with the support of PJSC LUKOIL (for the 45th anniversary of LLC LUKOIL-KMN) has prepared the most expensive exhibition project in the history of Kaliningrad Region - Patrons of Seafarers, Heavenly and Earthly.

Over a hundred original items, related to the history of the Russian Navy and people patronizing it are leaving the Kremlin for the first time and coming to Kaliningrad.
It is the first Moscow Kremlin Museums’ project dedicated to both Supreme and Royal patronage of seafaring and seafarers, comprising the art of the 15 th to the 19 th century.
A variety of pieces from pocket watches, calipers, lorgnettes, inkstands and snuffboxes to cold arms, icons and awards are going to reveal a glorious heroes’ age. Visitors are going to see decorations, tableware, lockets with the monarchs’ portraits inside andtapestry portraits of the emperors Peter the Great and Alexander I.
All these artifacts are not only of historic and cultural significance but they are also fine jeweler’s art, since the most part of them is made of precious metals and inlaid with gems.

The 320th anniversary of the Grand Embassy and Peter the Great’s visit to Koenigsberg gave an idea to focus on the Petrine Epoch – late 17th - early 18th century. So, visitors will admire fascinating and impressive story about navigators and their patrons – those who were invisibly present nearby all the time.

The exhibition is on display from September 7, 2017to January 14, 2018.

Top of the World. Coordinates of Wonders


A new photo exhibition Top of the World. Coordinates of Wonders has been opened at the Congress Hall of the Museum of the World Ocean. The exhibition displays works by Natalya Belentsova, a famous Southern Ural landscape photographer. 

Art photographer, artist, esoteric writer, member of the Union of Photographers of Russia, member of the Russian Geographical Society, Natalya is The Best Photographer of Russia 2010, The Best Wildlife Photographer of Russia 2012, Sony World Photography Awards 2012 winner and many-time winner of various Russian and international competitions.  
The photo exhibition Top of the World. Coordinates of Wonders comprises over 50 photographs of mountain landscapes of finest and unique beauty. The pictures show amazing summits, ridges and valleys, fantastic sunsets and sunrises, the eternal circle of seasons change...
The photo exhibition is devoted to mountain landscapes in different corners of the world (the Altai Mountains, the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Caucasus Mountains, the Urals, the Andes, the Alps, the mountains in Iceland, Spitsbergen and Antarctica, etc.). It is to emphasize the diversity and unity of our planet, to convey unparalleled
atmosphere of mountains, which pleases heart and soul…

The photo exhibition is a non-profit charity project. Its mission is to show the beauty of our world and motivate people for care of unique natural heritage of our planet. In 2013-2017, the photo project was successfully displayed in various cities of Russia and Bulgaria.
The exhibition is on display till October 1, 2017.


Opening of the Exhibition "Underwater Secrets. Titanica"

Welcome to the Old Apotheke

The Historical and Cultural Centre “The Grand Embassy” at the Koenig Gate invites to the new exposition. The exhibition about the gate’s history, its reconstruction and restoration, is going to be replaced by “The Pharmacy of the Three Kings”. A small gothic hall will be turned into an alchemists’ and physicians’ world. The brick entourage in the best way possible will project an atmosphere of a medieval chemist’s. Guests will “travel” to the epoch of knighthood and duchy, and then – visit a chemist’s shop of the Prussian Kings. Every step at the exhibition is a fascinating travel to the world of secrets and mysteries. Who knows, maybe here one can reveal a philosophers' stone secret! Here one can see chemist’s cabinets with crude drugs, medicines, mineral water and potions, a counter as well as stuffed exotic animals and herbs. Don’t be surprised to see a Koenigsberg chemist who will offer you a melancholy potion or heal-all herbal tea. Moreover, everyone can buy a brochure guide, a collected chemist’s stories from the ancient time till the present days.


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