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Sea Giant’s Heart

The new exposition “Depth” opened on December 12, presents many exhibits and the central ones are the submersible “Mir-1” and the giant sperm-whale skeleton. However, there is one more object that attracts guests with its uniqueness – a real gray whale’s heart. It was delivered from Saint-Petersburg just before the museum depository was opened. The exhibit was “created” by the specialists of the International Morphological Centre.

The heart was got with the permission of the Department of Farming Policy and Nature Management of Chukotka Autonomous Region. The animal was got by hunting quota that is given to native people of the North in order to support their traditional life. The material was frozen, put into a container and then transported to Moscow. Later, the heart was delivered to Kaliningrad where it was temporary stored at AtlantNIRO.

By the way, there are only a few exhibited mammals’ hearts in the world, mainly these are wet mounts or models. The heart was made in a polymeric embalming (plastination) technique that appeared relatively not long ago. The inventor of this method was Gunther von Hagens, he took out a patent in 1978. In comparison with traditional wet mounts these exhibits are non-toxic, keep its natural form and can be studied both visually and tactually, have got no expiry date, demand no containers for storage and are very durable. They can be demonstrated at the exhibition or any other public presentations.

The whale’s heart was a bit damaged while being taken out by Chukchi hunters. Nevertheless, professional anatomists almost smoothed them and guests of the exhibition “Depth” can see a real whale’s heart and even compare their hearts with it. How to do it? Just compare your fist with the heart and see the difference.

By the way, there will be a walrus’ heart here as well. Brief information The gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) is a baleen whale that migrates between feeding and breeding grounds yearly. It reaches a length of 14.9 meters (49 ft), a weight of 36 tonnes (40 short tons), and lives between 55 and 70 years. The common name of the whale comes from the gray patches and white mottling on its dark skin.

Blooming Sakura History exhibition


The land of the rising sun is one of the most mysterious Oriental countries carefully keeping its ancient traditions and secrets. It has always attracted interest of Europeans but the relations were established only a short time ago. Russia and Japan became friends 160 years ago.


On September 11 (Friday), the Museum of the World Ocean is happy to invite you to Blooming Sakura History exhibition devoted to complicated relations between Russia and Japan. The history of Russo-Japanese affairs started in 1782 when a Japanese schooner was cast up on the Russian shore. The captain Daikokuya K?day? spent eleven years in Russia – till 1793.

In 1804, Nikolay Rezanov came to Japan with a diplomatic mission on the sloop Nadezhda. But a shogun neither received the ambassador and his gifts nor made an agreement on trade. Rezanov’s diplomatic mission failed.

In 1811—1813, a Russo-Japanese conflict occurred later named as “The Golovnin Incident” almost set Japan and Russia on the brink of war. Nevertheless the situation was solved thanks to friendship and respect between Russian commander Pyotr Rikord and Japanese merchant Takadaya Kahei.

In 1855, the first Russo-Japanese agreement on trade was signed that gave a start to friendship between Japan and Russia.  

Russian seamen were the main heroes in the history of diplomatic affairs between two countries. Their courage, bravery and humanism made friendship between Russian and Japan possible.

The new exhibition is one more opportunity for Russia and Japan to get closer. Japanese everyday life objects, clothes, books, drawings and boat models tell a fascinating story about relations full of ups and downs resembling sakura blooming periods.

The opening will be attended by a delegation from Japan. The exhibition is based on “The Golovnin Incident” materials (Japanese ????????????????200?????) kindly provided by Tomoyuki Saito-san, author and curator of Nanohana Hall (Japanese ??????) in Japan.

The exhibition works till November 22.


Sholokhov’s World in the Museum of the World Ocean


The Museum of the World Ocean and M. Sholokhov State Museum Reserve present “Sholokhov’s World” exhibition in the Year of Literature. The exhibition is devoted to the history of his works and the Cossacks. On June 19-August 2, visitors can get to know the Cossacks’ belongings of the XIX and XX centuries. They can see what men and women used to wear, what a Cossack needed when he was on service, what tools and many other things they used.
War was a life style for the Cossacks. This topic is revealed in the exposition where military uniform, war decorations – evidence of the Cossacks’ military glory who were on service and their deeds for “the Faith, the Tsar and the Motherland”– soldiers’ photographs, popular prints, and graphics by illustrators are presented.
The second part of the exhibition is devoted to the history of the Cossacks in the XX century described in Sholokhov’s books. The novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” takes a central place as the most significant book in the author’s career (State Prize (1941) and Nobel Prize (1965)). Here you can get to know the history of the novel, the epoch Sholokhov’s heroes lived and difficult author’s struggle for publication.
There are some unique objects at the exhibition: the desk “And Quiet Flows the Don” and “Virgin Soil Upturned” were created, books from Sholokhov’s library, papers and documents as well as personal belongings.
There are over 300 exhibits displayed at the exposition.


Amazing Amphibian World


The Museum of the World Ocean invites you to a new unique exhibition – Amazing Amphibian World  - in the main museum building. Visitors can get to know various exotic species of toads and frogs. Every exhibit presents a closed ecosystem with running water and living animals and plants. Here you can find amphibian from all over the world and frogs of various sizes. There are 1-cm amphibian and the biggest species in the world in the same exposition. The collection was being formed during 5 years and today it is the first of its kind in Russia. Having visited frogs’ kingdom you will reveal a fantastic world of these amazing fauna. It is a way to have a new vision of amphibian and find toads to be very charismatic.


Peterhof – the Sea Capital of the Emperors


The  Museum of the World Ocean invites to the exhibition "Peterhof - the Sea Capital of the Emperors".

More than 100 items, which for the first time leaves the walls of the State Museum "Peterhof", will tell the amazing story of the naval victories of the Russian Empire, the role of the sea and the Navy in various spheres of life of the imperial residence - from the official ideology to private life and upbringing of children. The exhibition will be a unique chronicle of the maritime history of the country. It is targeted at the widest audience for visitors interested in national history and peculiarities of Russian naval glory.

Peterhof, located on the coast of the Gulf of Finland, was always perceived as a seaside residence of Russian emperors. Here was taken serious political decisions related to the development of the Russian Navy and the approval of Russia as a naval power. Representatives of the Romanov dynasty specially came here for a summer vacation "at sea".

Guests can explore objects from the Petrine era: it is a silver model of the boat of Peter I, Peter the Great's skipper dress (copy), models of sculptures, marine equipment from the palace "Mon Plaisir" (telescope, compass), the picturesque "Marina" end of the XVII century, embodying the first Russian art collection - a collection of Peter the Great. The era of Catherine the Great - A key exhibit of this period - uniform dress of Catherine II, modeled on the naval uniform, which will be presented on the background of the panorama of Chesmensky Hall of the Grand Peterhof Palace. Also in this part of the exhibition - a formal portrait of the Empress, a clock with a bust of Catherine II as Minerva, and marine accessories that time.

In addition, the exhibition will "go" in the sea of the Emperor's study of the late XIX century - books, writing set, nautical instruments and paintings by Aivazovsky (favorite artist of Emperor Nicholas I).

Presented at the exhibition are also items related to the history of the imperial yacht: family swimming and official receptions, diplomatic arrives by sea of heads of state have been an integral part of the lives of Peterhof second half of XIX - early XX century. Key items - models imperial yacht "Alexandria" and "Polar Star", porcelain services for yachts "Alexandria" and "Power".

Genuine dress of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, a baby sailor dress, marine theme toys, and books give a complete picture of the lifestyle in the northern seaside residence.

It should be noted that the exhibition is accompanied by a set of multimedia programs. Programs are designed to give the visitor in Kaliningrad a broader view on the existence of Peterhof as maritime and imperial residence and the life of a modern Museum. In particular, it will be submitted to the multimedia information and entertainment system "Grand Peterhof Palace." It's fascinating and understandable form introduces the major milestones of 300-year history of the Grand Peterhof Palace.

The exhibition is a wonderful gift to Kaliningrad in the year of the 25th anniversary of the Museum of the World Ocean and help with new vigor to feel part of the vast country and its rich cultural heritage.


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