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Photo competitions!


Competition for sea- and ship- laces!

1. The photo competition is devoted to the jubilee dates of the scientific-research vessel Vityaz. The deadline is September 3, 2014. The results will be announced on September 13, 2014 on Water Assembly festival.

2. The second photo competition is devoted to the sea. It can be the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, any sea actually. The most important is to show what has amazed you most of all. Winners will be announced on September 25, on World Maritime Day.

Please, bring your works to guided-tour organizer. They will be displayed in the Main building, in the hall, and visitors can vote for the best picture. Printed pictures should be of 20*30, high quality, contain author’s first and family names, city and country, contact information.

You can also post your photographs on the museum (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).

And you can post your works on the museum pages Vkontakte and Facebook.

Winners get prizes!

Please, take the following requirements into account:


2. A file should be at least 2000px of a larger side.

Photographs should be accompanied by the following:

  • Author’s first and family names
  • City, country
  • Name of your photo
  • Short description (one sentence)
  • Horizontal pictures are preferable (for our web-site)



20 Years at the Museum Quay


The scientific-research vessel Vityaz, one of the main symbols of Kaliningrad, celebrates  anniversary of the moorage at the museum quay on the City’s Day. This day the legendary scientific ship will show the history of creation of Museum of the World Ocean in the pictures and the modern graphic works and art will tell about the ship’s discoveries. The installation in the mess-room will move you into the Mariana Trench and show deep-water inhabitants. Live music on the deck, cosy tables outside and tasty drinks are organized specially 11:00, and the exhibition opening is going to take place at 14:00 on the ship’s deck. Moreover, young guests can jump on a trampoline.

Today Vityaz is not only the main exhibit but she is a ship that started the museum, the only complex maritime museum in Russia, she is a legendary ship that untied peoples of different countries and continents during the post-war period. Her history is an absorbing book. Its pages are devoted to amazing ship’s fortune that rescued refugees from Koenigsberg, discovered the Mariana Trench and new type of animals, revealed saury and survived 11 years of neglect.

You will get to know about her reborn and the great work on Vityaz restoration. Today Vityaz is in service again as one of the main sights of the Amber Land. Millions of visitors have walked on her decks and visited her expositions during 20 years. Vityaz revealed them the secrets of ocean depths, Russian expeditions and Polar research.

Kaliningrad citizens and guests are welcome to celebrate the anniversary guest who visits Vityaz on July 12 gets a small keepsake. The holiday starts at together on July 12!


In Full Sail


Museum of the World Ocean continues working on Sea Practice project within the framework of the federal-targeted programme. Every year during the summer holidays the museum organizes a river trip on yawls for cadets and students of nautical schools. Students of Kaliningrad Sea Fishery College and inmates of a children's home took part in the trip last year. Kids prepared a booklet after their journey that can be a perfect present for those who would like to sail along the rivers in oblast and get to know the Amber Land better.
A new trip is planned on July 7. It is devoted to memory of Russian warriors fallen during World War I. Twenty cadets from Pionersky and seven students from St. Andrew military school are going to dress like true seadogs. Young sailors will learn the basics of seamanship. They will experience a lot of interesting discoveries and meetings on their 100-kilometer river and sea route.
Kids have been preparing to their first big adventure for a long time. It took almost a year to restore a yawl-6 that they are going to sail. Every Friday whether it was raining or snowing kids used to come to restoration workshop at the Friedrichsburg Gate and clean, paint and sandpaper their small boat with a big history. The thing is that Russian mariners sailed such yawls during WWI. It is a very symbolic event when young generation will sail the copies of these boats in the memory of Russian soldiers after a century the war had started and taken 22 million lives. Perhaps that is why the cadets took their task so seriously.
They have done their job perfectly and got a prize for that. Boys are going to spend almost a week without their parents and warm cosy flats. But it is worth doing. They are going to sail and row along the rivers and the sea. They are going to stop in Gvargeysk, Polessk and Zelenogradsk. Pionersky is the arrival point where kids are going to celebrate Fisherman’s Day on July 12. The day before they will meet veterans from SPETSNAZ-RUS Association.
We are sure that the trip will bring a lot of new impressions to the participants. Kids will get to know their national history better, learn about deeds of Russian warriors during WWI and WWII and see once again that their country’s fortune and history depend on them.


The Sunk Submarine Is not to Be Lifted



More than two years ago Museum of the World Ocean initiated the work on archives that could assist in finding the Soviet S-4 submarine sunk near Taran Cape in 1945.  Research officers from the museum and P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (AtlantNIRO) together have managed to identify approximate coordinates of the wreck. The joint work of the Baltic Fleet and North-West branch of GOSAKVASPAS for Kaliningrad oblast has resulted in localization of the submarine. At the present moment the specialists are 90% sure that it is the S-4 submarine. The submarine is at 70-meter depth; it is the only sunk war ship of WWII that is located in the Baltic Sea waters of Kaliningrad region.

January 1, 1945 was the last day the S-4 made a contact. That very day the commander reported on torpedoing and sinking an enemy ship during patrol.  There are data that on January 7 and 18 indistinct radio signals presumably by the S-4 were received by the Irtysh mothership in Helsinki. After it the connection with the submarine was lost. The reason of the loss of the submarine and 48 crew members is to be investigated. However, there are some presumable versions. In accordance to the one of them  the S-4 was attacked by a German torpedo boat with a D-bomb on January 4, 1945, to the other – on January 6, 1945 the boat was rammed by the T-33 torpedo boat from the second group of ships covering the Wehrmacht seaboard defence flank.

Nevertheless, full and detailed identification of the S-4 submarine is the priority task.

Svetlana Sivkova, Director General of the museum, noted that it is not planned to lift the submarine. In accordance with the tradition wrecks and their crew are considered a common grave. The museum is going to study the wrecks, install a memorable plate aboard the submarine and look for crew members’ relatives in the nearest future. Family and friends will be invited to Kaliningrad and visit the heroic place if their fathers and grandfathers.


Parade of Sails in Museum of the World cean


On June 8, Museum of the World Ocean and its guests celebrated the World Ocean Day together. This day small museum sailing boats took part in the action named 'A White Sail - a Clean Ocean' that was held in the waters of Historical Fleet Embankment. On June 14 and 15 yachtsmen from Kaliningrad oblast joined the action, their Ost-West yacht-club celebrates its 20th anniversary this June.

After the race for Ost-West Cup in the Kaliningrad Lagoon over 20 sailing beauties were moored at the new Marina quay located on the submarine’s ex-moorage. The double-deck bridge was lifted to let the boats go through in the night time on June 14-15. Citizens who were there by chance watched the sailing boats sliding on water and going under the rail bridge.

Next day visitors could enjoy a true parade of sails in the day time starting from 11:30. Polish yachtsmen took part in the action as well. They sailed along the Pregol river and supported the action 'A White Sail - a Clean Ocean' and one more time showed that love to the sea and to the ocean unites us and everyone is ready to contribute to their preservation.

Let’s save the Ocean together!


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