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In Full Sail


Museum of the World Ocean continues working on Sea Practice project within the framework of the federal-targeted programme. Every year during the summer holidays the museum organizes a river trip on yawls for cadets and students of nautical schools. Students of Kaliningrad Sea Fishery College and inmates of a children's home took part in the trip last year. Kids prepared a booklet after their journey that can be a perfect present for those who would like to sail along the rivers in oblast and get to know the Amber Land better.
A new trip is planned on July 7. It is devoted to memory of Russian warriors fallen during World War I. Twenty cadets from Pionersky and seven students from St. Andrew military school are going to dress like true seadogs. Young sailors will learn the basics of seamanship. They will experience a lot of interesting discoveries and meetings on their 100-kilometer river and sea route.
Kids have been preparing to their first big adventure for a long time. It took almost a year to restore a yawl-6 that they are going to sail. Every Friday whether it was raining or snowing kids used to come to restoration workshop at the Friedrichsburg Gate and clean, paint and sandpaper their small boat with a big history. The thing is that Russian mariners sailed such yawls during WWI. It is a very symbolic event when young generation will sail the copies of these boats in the memory of Russian soldiers after a century the war had started and taken 22 million lives. Perhaps that is why the cadets took their task so seriously.
They have done their job perfectly and got a prize for that. Boys are going to spend almost a week without their parents and warm cosy flats. But it is worth doing. They are going to sail and row along the rivers and the sea. They are going to stop in Gvargeysk, Polessk and Zelenogradsk. Pionersky is the arrival point where kids are going to celebrate Fisherman’s Day on July 12. The day before they will meet veterans from SPETSNAZ-RUS Association.
We are sure that the trip will bring a lot of new impressions to the participants. Kids will get to know their national history better, learn about deeds of Russian warriors during WWI and WWII and see once again that their country’s fortune and history depend on them.


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