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Old Vienna Invites

On February 14 (Saturday), on the Long Sausage Day, the museum invites you to old Vienna that will be created by Arkadiy Feldman and Kaliningrad Symphony Orchestra.

At 16:00, the Congress Hall in the Main Building will turn into a Viennese city park. Fascinating tunes by Austrian composers will flow in it; Mozart and Strauss will move you to the most musical city in the world and give you unforgettable feeling of airiness and magic.

Tickets are already available in the museum ticket offices.  

Please, contact us: 007.4012.53.05.47 (extension: 107).

International Theoretical and Practical Conference

Dear colleagues,
     Museum of the World Ocean invites you to take part in International Theoretical and Practical Conference devoted to issues of study and preservation of maritime heritage and museum’s 25th anniversary.
           The conferences organized by Museum of the World Ocean bring museum and scientific communities closer to phenomenon of maritime heritage and let reveal problematic moments in study and preservation of maritime heritage as well as plan the ways of their solution.
Study and Preservation of Maritime Heritage International Theoretical and Practical Conference will be held in a jubilee year for the museum – the year when Museum of the World Ocean sums up its activities.  
The Conference is held on April 7-11, 2015 in Kaliningrad.
Language of the conference: Russian and English.
Museum of the World Ocean
1 Naberezhnaya Petra Velikogo.
Tel.: +7(4012) 538915, 538804, 340244, fax: +7(4012) 340211
Alexandra Medvedeva
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Elizaveta Velmiakina
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Сhronicle of "WATER ASSEMBLY" festival




A White Ship Action

Museum of the World Ocean invites everyone to join the action A White Ship.

The legendary ship Vityaz united once countries and continents by conducting ocean exploration and making great discoveries. It was a ship of Peace and Friendship, renowned, loved and welcome guest all over the world.

Today Museum of the World Ocean launches action A White Ship that is intended to unite everyone who opposes military activities and calls for peace on our planet.

Starting 1st of August guests of Museum of the World Ocean can get or even make with their own hands a small paper ship. It will come to one’s home as a symbol of peace. The more is our “fleet”, the louder will be the call for Good, mutual Understanding and Peace!

In the year of World War I centenary let’s say “NO!” to wars on planet Earth.

* It will be all-Russian and international action.

Water Cube pavilion opening

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