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Support us



Today the policy is aimed at revival of charity traditions and sponsorship. One of the ideas is to enlarge museum collections not by a budget, but with assistance of sponsors; the task of the state is to provide favourable conditions for exhibits. That is why interaction of culture and private capital is the most vital topic today. The further life of museums depends on solution of this issue.

Museum of the World Ocean started with a group of enthusiast who shared common interests, with Museum Friends’ Club. Thanks to their assistance the museum became a modern and dynamically developing institution that influences the rate of cultural development not only in Kaliningrad but in Russia as well. Today the museum thanks all its supporters and assistants, their names will forever be recorded in the honorable lists of personal gratitude.
Dear friends! You can take part in construction of the new building of Museum of the World Ocean with your donation. Donation is transferred to the museum account by a payment order. Please, find bank details and a template of a payment order here.

Museum of the World Ocean gives a right for reproduction of the museum exhibits, collections, buildings, objects located on its territory for the purposes of publication, research work, commercial and advertising use, information materials, etc. as well as for research of museum objects and collections.



Dear friends!

You can take part in construction of the new building of Museum of the World Ocean by making a donation. The museum will be grateful to you for your help and will award you a membership in the Friends of the Museum Club, along with a number of special privileges! Moreover your name will be included in the list of thosepersonally thanked.A deposit into a special museum account can be completed by payment order. Please find bank details and payment order templates here..


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